Monday, September 22, 2008

Dr. appt.

Went to the doctor today and I am dilated to a 1!!!! It's not much but its a start. I have to be dilated to at least a 2 and at least 70% effaced before he will induce me. so I have two weeks to get to that point cuz my induction is scheduled for two weeks from today. Shouldn't be too hard eh?? Keep your fingers crossed.


Dana said...

Way to go on the 1 cm! only 9 to go :)

I have an iud... I had one after I had Jett too. I have the non-hormone one and I DO have a period every month...I love my IUD...although after I had grey I got one and it slipped...It was lodges into my muscle somehow, so It had to be taken out and then I had to heal for a month and then I had to have anouther one put in...TMI? (Too Much Info???) Anyway, I like my IUD.

Jer and Jealin said...

Progress is good! I'm totally proud of your uteris (or I guess it would be your cervix, right?) for getting to work already. :) Everything is going to work out perfect, except I won't be there to be the first to hold him. I know, I know, I'll still be his FAVORITE. Hee, hee, hee. No, seriously, he'll love me. I'm getting to work on planning a trip to see you guys. Probably the 3rd week in October, or maybe over your birthday! I know you need the help cuz your gettin old...:P

Jer and Jealin said...

OK about that thing we talked about this were right, HOT. That's all I'm gonna say.

Jer and Jealin said...

You know very well I did not eat 5 steaks. I only ate like 3...and they were cut in half! Also, thanks for the compliment about Beck looking like me when he had food all over his face. Gees, you sound like your dad! It's not like it was frosting on his face or anything! btw, I distincly remember a story about you and like 13 big macs...(I do not however remember how to spell that right? Oh well:))