Friday, March 27, 2009

Fun Weekend!

Last weekend my mom came up and stayed with us. We love when she comes for a visit, we always have so much fun. We went shopping, out to dinner, to the park (twice) out to lunch, got Zander's pictures taken (they turned out soooo dang cute!) watched Twilight and just hung out. I love you mom!!!! Thanks for all you do for us. I can't wait to see you again next friday!


Holly Weston said...

I love, love, love to spend time with my mom and I don't get to very often. What a cute picture of your cute mom!

The Kelly Klan said...

I love your mom too! What a great lady, and she looks awesome. Btw...your baby Zander is adorable. I can't believe how CHUBBY he is. How fun for you!

Jer and Jealin said...

You do have an amazing mom! I'm so glad she's mine too! Miss you. Whish I could have hung out with you.

Quiggle said...

Belle is still talking about seeing Baylie at the park.